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The book is Now Available on Kindle at


The following comments were made by those who read the manuscript before it's publication. We are deeply grateful to them for their appreciation of Galen's work and for allowing us to share their thought with you here. Thank you all very much for all you did to make this book a success.


“This is not the type of book I normally read. Usually I only read non-fiction. But once I started, I could not put it down. It was always surprising me, and I found myself really connected to the people it. There was never a boring chapter.”


“I really enjoyed this book. Every sentence seems loaded. It made me think and experience in ways that are not normally found in stories. As a painter, I was enthralled by the visual intensities created by just a few words. I think this will be a true epic.”


“I can’t believe how involved I became with the people in this book. It did not matter whether I loved or hated them, I found myself immersed in their lives, feeling what they must have felt. These words really live.”


“This intimacy of this book really surprised me. I cannot help but wonder how the author did this - it is like I was inside every one of the main characters. It makes for a great read.”

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